Shipping & Delivery

Where does The Cottage Garden deliver to?
We deliver to any address in South Africa.

When and how does The The Cottage Garden do deliveries?

  1. PUDO- Your product will be delivered to the address you submit (home or work). We will contact you to confirm your preference. The cost is R70

How long does delivery take?
All our orders are dispatched from Johannesburg. Depending on where you are based, delivery takes between 2 – 5 working days. Please note that if you place an order after office hours, it will be processed the following day. If you place an order over the weekend, it will only be processed on Monday. If you have an urgent order please contact us directly before placing it online so we can confirm the possibility of honoring that order (usually we make a plan)

How much does delivery cost?
Delivery is FREE for orders over R 500. For all other orders delivery fee is R70 using PUDO. The delivery charge will be displayed during the check-out process.

What address do I need to provide?
We cannot deliver to a postal box and therefore require a physical address with as much detail as possible, including a contact phone number.

Can I collect my order in person?
Unfortunately, there is no way for you to pick up the order in person at the moment.

Does The Cottage Garden ship internationally?
No, we only deliver within South Africa.